Thursday, January 13, 2011

I was misinformed...

I am able to take photos and even video at the teachings, provided I do it discreetly and without a flash. I think the students at the university have been afforded special privileges. So, MOM... do not freak out. okay?

The teachings have been amazing. The two topics HHDL is teaching are intermediate meditation and the Bodhisattva's way of life. A Bodhisattva is an enlightened being that practices Buddhist principles.He started by giving a brief overview of Buddhist theory and quickly discussing meditation. He is teaching from a text that has been translated from Sanskrit into English and I was able to buy it just before the lectures began. I have been following his words and commentary in the book and taking notes on the connections I see in his teachings to my own life and the principles I live by. Its really amazing stuff. To be honest, I can't accurately describe it.

Early this morning he began by speaking about his realization that we must not be attached to anything, including one's own religion. His argument was that when attached to a specific religion, we become biased and are therefore less able to see the good in many of the other forms of religion that are out there. He spoke of the basic human need to avoid suffering and find true happiness. All religions have this aspect, and all are useful and benefit humankind. I am not doing his teachings any justice, as I am going on memory alone (i forgot my notes in the room...) but I just thought his stance on this topic was incredibly insightful.

I will update you all more on his teachings when I have my notes accessable, but for now, here are some photos... I will upload some videos too.

Center stage, where HHDL teaches. This was taken last night after everyone left.

 This morning just before we started.

This is where our section is located. Stage right, not too far back.

Keep checking for videos and more photos soon!

1 comment:

  1. Ok Onawa, No freaking here LOL Once again great pics and thanks for sharing! I am (Dad too) very much enjoying all your posts :D Love & hugs
