Tuesday, January 11, 2011

A tour of our room and the constant sillyness that occupies it... this one is rated PG-13. Maybe even R.


  1. Why the nets and winter gear? What kind of cold loving bugs are there in India??

  2. Great little tour and silliness is refreshing but, oh you gals, such unusual cold for there! Hope there are warm places to chase the chill away. We are getting major snowstorm much like the one we had as you left for India. ! to 2 feet of snow for Boston again and a foot or little more for us here in Vermont. Love you!

  3. Its freezing here, Lizzy! Its about 30 or 40 degrees at night and not much warmer during the day. There is no heat in any of the buildings so as you can imagine, we are all really cold most of the time. Its the coldest winter on record here in 75 years! I have spent a ridiculous amount of money on thermals and warm socks and still I have trouble warming up! (I had actually packed sunscreen, can you believe that?) The best part is the cold showers... ooooooh boy. I will never take a hot shower for granted again! And those are mosquito nets for extra protection against Malaria. Although we are all on meds to prevent contracting the disease, its better to be overly cautious than sorry. right?

    love you, hope to see you soon!

  4. Ya! Even without Malaria, who wants to be bitten by mosquitos all night! I can't believe how cold it is and there's no heat! OMG! I'm sure you have a newfound appreciation for the comforts of home! At least you are making the best of the situation, not many people sing when they don't feel good!
